Saturday, November 22, 2008

What is your guess?

We go in monday to findout what we are having and are super excited. Dave thinks we are having a boy and I think we are having a girl. What do you think we are having?

Also for those wondering Dave's mom came home from the hospital a few days ago which is great! She is still very weak and tired but it looks like everything will be fine. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


CKB said...

I'm guessing that you are having another girl.

Stacey said...

I'm going to guess a girl too, there is something in the water around here that dictates girls be born more than boys!

Kristin said...

I'm so glad to hear she is home from the hospital!

I say it's a girl :)

Vanessa said...

I am so excited for you guys to have baby number 2. If definitely is an adjustment, but you'll do great! My guess is a girl too.

Alicia Colon said...

I guess you will have THREE boys! Ha, ha, ha! Oh wait, that is me! Dang it. Maybe if I say it alot you will have a boy. BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY, BOY! How many kids do you want? Just dont want you to miss out on the joy my crazy boys bring to me each and E-V-E-R-Y day!!!!! Stressful.........Joy! If there is such a thing? Good luck with that girl. I love to give you a hard time. Love you!

Kate said...

I can't wait to hear! My guess is a Girl!

Megan said...

I really wish I could say boy, but for some reason I think girl. I'm excited to hear!